I am so super excited that Diane Brogran is donating her time and talent to my fundraising efforts. Diane gave Lucy a sweet name necklace for her 6th birthday. She LOVES it!
Look how adorable:
She also makes earrings!
If you would like to order, email me at meginhatch at gmail dot com. $10 if I can deliver it by hand, $13 to have it shipped directly to you. I need to know: the exact spelling of the name, the wire color, and the cord color.
Wire Color: Pink Purple Blue Teal Green Black Silver
Cord Color: Pink Purple Blue Teal Green Black
Take it from me these make a fantastic gift! Diane also made me silver earrings and they are unique and really pretty. EVERYONE misspells my name, so having a personalized gift that is inexpensive and pretty? ROCKS!
Diane makes lovely jewelry, and you should absolutely check out her stuff at: http://www.brogan-arts.com/Jewelry.html
Thank you so much for your support, Diane!
I will need one of these for my daughter Amelle in purple. Her name is so unique she NEVER has anything personalized (except her LL Bean backpack, of course).
You can give it to me when you see me. Can I pay you then as well, or do you want me to paypal it? (I hate the fee!)
Sounds great! I will have to wear my earrings to the party, too! They are adorable!
Hello! Are you still selling these to raise money? I know that your trip has come and gone, but if you are I'd like to purchase two for my nieces from you. I got your information from Erin Moore. Thanks!
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